School Catering

We are thrilled at Wildern to be able to cater in-house for our students.  Our chef, Dan, and his team work tirelessly to provide locally sourced, sustainable products at competitive prices.  

Food is served at breakfast, break and lunchtimes across the school in our main dining hall, kiosks and diner.  A variety of hot and cold quality food is on offer from grilled steaks, roast dinners, curries, and a salad bar to wraps and paninis and baguettes.  

At times throughout the year there are themed days/weeks linked to the curriculum being taught such as Spanish day, Australian day, American West week to healthy food to support a healthy diet and 'brain food' to support revision.  

There are regular Meal deal Offers available like below for £2.30 (Water, selected Snacks and Meals) and see our price list here.  


Catering is cashless at Wildern and payment is made using biometric finger registration.  Parental permission is given for this when students start at Wildern.  Money can be added to the account online by logging on to, by cheque payable to Wildern School (minimum £10) taken to the School Kitchen or by using the cash top up machine in the dining hall.  

When logged in to ParentPay parents are able to see what their children are purchasing per day ay school. 

If you have any questions about catering at Wildern, please contact

Students remain on site at lunchtimes where there is a range of allocated places to eat both inside and outside.  During wet weather certain classrooms are made available for students to use at lunchtime to provide further assistants. Students are made aware of these rooms at the beginning of the Autumn Term.  

Free School Meals are available for the following benefits.  

  • Income Support 
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit (not working tax credit) if the household income is below £16,190 per year, provided that you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit.  
  • Guaranteed Element of the State Pension Credit
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part IV of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit if income is less that £7,400 per year
  • Working Tax Credit - run-on-paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

If you would like further details or believe you are eligible please contact our School First Aider.



Menu sample
Price list