Hot Weather Update

We have finally started to see some beautiful summer weather and wanted to take the opportunity to remind you about our hot weather uniform policy.

When the temperature hits 28 degrees we give all students the opportunity to come into school in their Wildern PE kit. 

This can be:
  • Wildern green polo shirt
  • Wildern green shorts
  • Wildern white polo shirt
  • Wildern black polo shirt
  • Wildern black dance t-shirt
  • Black leggings
  • Trainers
  • Socks appropriate for footwear 
This list covers every item of PE kit and students are not allowed to wear any other types of clothing. If students arrive in school in inappropriate clothing, parents will be contacted as per our usual uniform policy.

We will alert you to hot weather uniform the day before and update this on a day to day basis. As we all know the weather is very changeable and this will not be a blanket uniform change for the entire summer period.

Please ensure all students have a refillable water bottle and sun cream etc

Click here to check the weather at Wildern