Behaviour and Ethos

Students are well motivated, co-operative and show respect for all other members of the community. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behaviour, act with thought, care and respect; the basis of our Rights Respecting ethos.

Behaviour and Learning expectations

behaviours for learning image

Wildern’s expectations of good behaviour are made very clear to all students and staff work alongside them to ensure that this is adhered to.

Students will:

  • Behave with courtesy and consideration
  • Ensure that positive behaviour for learning allows for focused study within the classroom
  • Be ready to learn, bring the correct equipment for learning
  • Be punctual
  • Conduct themselves in a positive and thoughtful way on their journey to and from school
  • We believe that motivating students by using appropriate rewards is an important part of our school system as it:
  • Creates a secure, orderly and working environment
  • Raises student self-esteem and makes them feel valued
  • Helps set goals for personal achievement
  • Rewards a variety of qualities and activities
  • Provides opportunities for students to aspire to and assume responsibilities
  • Motivates and encourages students to do their best
  • Develops students sense of appropriate and inappropriate behaviour
  • We use a variety of rewards from verbal praise, written recognition in the student planner, green/gold e-refs, postcards/letters home, to formal recognition at celebration assemblies or awards evenings.
  • We have a strong pastoral team who work closely with external agencies in supporting individuals where this is appropriate.

For students who experience difficulty working within the guidelines, a variety of strategies are employed. These can range from a  loss of break-time for minor offences to lunchtime or after school detention (twenty-four hours notice is always given for after school detentions).  This will be communicated via email in most cases.  However staff can keep students for up to 10 minutes after school if they wish. Internal exclusion is used for serious or repeated poor behaviour. The student will spend a day completing work in isolation supervised by a member of staff. This sanction is a penultimate step to a formal exclusion from school. Internal exclusion is seen as an opportunity to reflect and look at interventions to support positive outcomes in classes. 

Students who need support with their behaviour work closely with their tutors, subject teachers, Directors of Progress and Achievement (DOPAs) and the rest of the pastoral team to set targets to allow them to make progress and think about their learning and the learning of those around them.

Suspension from school might occur if a student commits a serious offence on the school premises from a serious breach of school discipline, abuse of staff, assault on a fellow student or a student committing a criminal offence during school hours.

Students may be prohibited from school premises during lunchtimes by way of suspension. Should this be necessary, parents will be given reasonable notice to make alternative arrangements.

All parents of a student suspended from school have the right of appeal to the Chair of Governors if they think the suspension is unreasonable. A parent/staff meeting must take place prior to the students return to school. 

For more information please see the attachments below

Wildern School Policies can be found HERE

Wildern Multi Academy Trust Policies can be found HERE