
Students have a curiosity for Science, a desire for knowledge and an excitement for how the world works through a 5 year linear curriculum.


The Science department aims to stimulate curiosity, interest and enjoyment in Science, and to continue to move towards students experiencing “real” Science. The Science department, as scientists themselves, have a strong belief in developing students as young scientists. Using relevant and topical links to real-world science, they enthuse their students, providing them with all the skills and knowledge necessary to utilise science after they have left school - whether this is to study science further or in their everyday lives.

Curriculum design

Through the use of a variety of learning situations, students meet a body of scientific knowledge and understanding alongside developing abilities and skills, which are relevant to the study, practice and application of science. The science team are passionate about delivering motivating and inspiring lessons. Frequent opportunities within each topic allow students to reflect and improve upon their work. Teachers regularly provide individual and whole class verbal feedback within each lesson and highlight misconceptions to students. Alongside this, assessment points are completed each term allowing teachers to deliver lessons tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of their class and students to take ownership of their progress.

 The Science department comprises a suite of 18 fully equipped laboratories to support scientific learning.  The Science department also has a preparation room where a team of technicians work to support the practical work that is carried out within Science and work alongside teachers to develop new and exciting scientific demonstrations. There is also access to Chromebooks and ICT suites which are used to enhance and support learning. ICT is regularly used within Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 lessons as the Science department believes students should have the opportunity to develop the transferable skills that are now essential for the workplace. Learning in the classroom is further supplemented through the use of weekly self-study tasks. These include learning vocabulary for the current topic and quizzes. Additional resources are also provided via Google classroom for students to access outside of lessons.

Science Curriculum Roadmap

Science Curriculum Roadmap 1

Science Curriculum Roadmap 2

Science Curriculum Roadmap 3


Our KS3 curriculum is designed to foster a lasting enthusiasm for science whilst building a strong foundation of scientific knowledge to facilitate student’s future studies. Year 7 begins with a series of introductory lesson specifically designed to revisit some concepts covered at Primary School.  As well as completing a series of lessons to prepare them for working in a laboratory.  

After this transition period, students study key topics across Biology, Chemistry and Physics with key ideas from year 7 being built upon in year 8. The department believes that the skills and knowledge students learn and develop at Key Stage 3 will help them across the curriculum and are essential as they progress into Key Stage 4 and beyond.


In Year 9 students further develop their Scientific knowledge, skills and curiosity as they complete lessons to prepare for either AQA Combined Science (Trilogy) or AQA Separate Science courses which they are selected for at the end of Year 9.  In Combined Science students will study all three disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics and receive two GCSEs at the end of year 11. For the Separate Science GCSEs, students will study the same content as the combined GCSE but will complete additional content and practicals which will result in three GCSEs at the end of year 11. The two courses are taught through a combination of practical and content-based lessons.

The topics are split across six exam papers:

Biology Paper 1

B1: Cell biology, B2: Organisation, B3: Infection and response, B4:Bioenergetics

Biology Paper 2

B5: Homeostasis and response; B6: Inheritance, variation and evolution; B7: Ecology

Chemistry Paper 1

C1: Atomic structure and the periodic table; C2: Bonding, structure and the properties of matter; C3: Quantitative Chemistry; C4: Chemical Changes; C5: Energy Changes

Chemistry Paper 2

C6: The rate and extent of chemical change, C7: Organic Chemistry, C8: Chemical analysis, C9: Chemistry of the atmosphere, C10:Using resources

Physics Paper 1

P1: Energy, P2: Electricity, P3: Particle model of matter, P4: Atomic structure

Physics Paper 2

P5: Forces, P6: Waves, P7: Magnetism and Electromagnetism, P8: Space Physics (Separate Science only)

Extracurricular opportunities

The science curriculum is supported by a variety of trips and after school clubs that serve to further pique student’s curiosity. These opportunities have included LifeLab, Legoland Windsor, University Hospital Southampton, Winchester Science Centre, Marwell Zoo, GCSE Science Live, Kew Gardens and many more.  

STEM Club (Monday 3 pm – 4 pm)

Each week students take part in fun competitions and activities spanning across science, technology, engineering and maths. 

Survival Club (Wednesdays 3 pm – 4 pm)

Focusing on outdoor skills students spend an hour after school tackling various projects across the school site.

Biology Club Monday 3-4pm

Hands-on work culturing bacteria

Learn the skills needed to work in a Biology laboratory